Last week our Sustainability Officer attended the second annual Conference News Sustainability Summit at 15 Hatfields.

It was empowering to be in a room with so many fellow event professionals passionate about sustainability. With a selection of panels many ‘hot topics’ were covered including sustainable catering, venues, event travel, and much more.

Besides networking with industry peers and engaging in knowledge-sharing, we walked away with five key takeaways that can serve as a valuable starting point for anyone looking to embark on their sustainability journey.

Data is king – measure your event carbon emissions

Measuring your event carbon emissions is essential to everyone, otherwise, how will you know if you’ve made a difference? Benchmarking your emissions against either your own events or industry examples such as the isla report will help you to understand how sustainable your event truly is.

Remember that although 80% of event emissions usually come from the attendee travel, we must not forget about the other 20%, so measuring your energy, waste, catering, and production is essential.

We use TRACE by isla for this which incorporates all areas of event emissions.

Sustainability is complicated

This was debated slightly, as it’s important planners don’t feel paralysed by a lack of knowledge on where to start. But it’s clear that designing a sustainable event or experience is not that straight-forward. Often something that looks sustainable isn’t actually the right solution so it’s important organisers do their research and due diligence to make the right decisions. Lean on your supply chain to be the experts in their field.

Lean on your supply chain

You cannot make your event sustainable on your own. You need to bring your supply chain (and clients of course), on the journey with you. You can be selective with your suppliers that are already making positive changes, but many – particularly small businesses – need support and guidance to adapt and become more sustainable. Working together and forming partnerships is the best way to tackle the global climate crisis together.

Offsetting is not the answer

With event travel usually being essential, this is a tricky area that some disagree on. But what’s clear is that offsetting is not going to be the solution to our problem. Reducing emissions is the priority and planting a tree today that will only sequester carbon in 35 years doesn’t really help.

That said, offsetting does offer other social and economic benefits and can often support the event’s legacy.

Comms are the solution

Ultimately attendees cannot be forced into something. That approach could negatively impact the event experience and detract from what most events are really about. So instead we should be communicating more sustainable options to attendees, and ‘nudging’ them towards the right choice.

Putting the most sustainable option at the top of a list, explaining why the menu is plant-based, and encouraging guests to bring their own reusable water bottles in advance are all simple things planners can do to bring their guests on the journey with them.

Sustainability is not just about the environment.

Environmental sustainability often hogs the stage at the moment due to the climate crisis. But the principles of People, planet, profit were repeatedly discussed. Bringing economic and social benefits to the table will improve your event legacy and truly make the event sustainable in every way possible. We discussed this more in a previous blog post The benefits of Sustainable Efficiency.

If you need support to make your events more sustainable then contact us today.

Mastering budget challenges in an era of global economic transformation

Join us at our next invite only insights event where Heads of Events, Marketing, Communications, and Procurement will converge to unravel the complexities of the global events landscape.

Embarking on a Journey of Discovery

The current global climate is marked by economic shifts, marketplace tensions, and a cloud of uncertainty. As budgets face the squeeze on a global scale, the demand for effective strategies, innovative solutions, and a keen ability to overcome budgetary obstacles has never been more pressing.

Keynote Insights from Industry Titans

The event is set to kick off with a keynote address that promises to provide unparalleled insights into the world of economics. The Head of Global Economics from Diageo will explore the economic currents shaping our event landscape.

A Collective Debate for Strategic Solutions

Engage in lively discussions that are designed to tap into the collective wisdom of industry leaders. As a participant, you will have the unique opportunity to dive into crowd-sourced challenges, dissecting them within small groups. These conversations will pave the way for innovative strategies and creative solutions.

Practical Wisdom from Panel Discussions

We will have panel discussions that bring together some of the most esteemed brands in the industry: Santander, Sky, and Stellantis. These industry giants will engage in a dynamic conversation about the practical solutions and answers they’ve discovered through their experiences.

Seize the opportunity to be part of an event that promises to reshape the way you approach event planning. With a diverse range of perspectives, insights from industry titans, and practical takeaways, this is an event that’s tailor-made for event professionals.

We would love you to join us – stratacreate-events.com/the-big-budget-debate/?utm_source=social

The automotive industry has always been at the forefront of innovation, and this extends to the way it engages with its audience through events. Over the years, automotive event experiences have evolved significantly, embracing technology, sustainability, and interactivity to captivate attendees and leave a lasting impact. As we look to the future, the automotive landscape presents exciting possibilities for even more immersive, connected, and sustainable event experiences.

Embracing Virtual and Hybrid Events

In the future, we can expect a continuation of this trend, with more automotive brands hosting virtual or hybrid events that combine the best of both physical and digital worlds. Virtual experiences provide a broader reach and accessibility, allowing automotive enthusiasts from around the globe to participate without geographic constraints.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Integration

AR and VR technologies have the potential to revolutionise automotive events by creating highly immersive and interactive experiences. Brands can utilize AR/VR to showcase their latest vehicles, allowing attendees to explore every detail, even from the comfort of their homes. Additionally, AR can be used to gamify events, engaging participants in exciting virtual challenges and experiences.

Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Practices

With sustainability becoming a central focus for both businesses and consumers, the future of automotive events will embrace eco-friendly practices. Brands will prioritise sustainable event planning, such as using renewable energy sources, reducing waste, and incorporating eco-friendly materials. Additionally, the focus on electric and sustainable vehicles will play a significant role in shaping automotive events.

Personalisation and Customisation

The future of automotive events will be marked by personalised and tailored experiences. Brands will leverage data and analytics to understand attendees better, curating content and activities that align with individual interests and preferences. Personalised event experiences will enhance engagement and foster stronger connections between automotive brands and their target audience.

Interactive Test Drive Experiences

Test drives are an essential part of the automotive event experience. In the future, we can expect to see more interactive and innovative test drive setups, incorporating advanced driving simulators and immersive environments. This allows potential customers to experience the thrill of driving without leaving the event space.

Live Streaming and Social Media Engagement

The power of social media in automotive events will continue to grow. Live streaming of events on various platforms will enable brands to reach a wider audience and create buzz around their latest offerings. Social media engagement will play a crucial role in building anticipation and fostering a sense of community among attendees.

The future of automotive event experiences is an exciting blend of technology, sustainability, and personalised interactions. With innovation as its driving force, the automotive industry is set to redefine event experiences, leaving a profound impact on enthusiasts and customers alike.

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, businesses continuously seek innovative ways to engage with their target audience. Pop-ups and event marketing have emerged as powerful strategies to create memorable experiences and build brand loyalty. However, like any marketing approach, there are certain do’s and don’ts that can determine the success or failure of these endeavors.

The Do’s

Define Clear Objectives: Before diving into any pop-up or event, define specific and measurable objectives. Are you aiming to boost brand awareness, launch a new product, or build customer loyalty? Clear goals will guide your entire marketing strategy.

Know Your Target Audience: Understanding your audience is crucial for creating an appealing event. Research their preferences, interests, and pain points to tailor your event to their needs.

Choose the Perfect Location: Location is key to a successful pop-up or event. Pick a spot with high foot traffic, aligning with your target demographic. Consider co-hosting with other complementary brands to amplify exposure.

Create a Memorable Experience: Offer an immersive and interactive experience to captivate attendees. Utilise technology, storytelling, and sensory elements that resonate with your brand image and message.

Promote Effectively: Leverage multiple marketing channels to generate buzz before the event. Utilise social media, email marketing, influencer partnerships, and local advertising to create anticipation and attract a larger crowd.

Capture Data and Feedback: Use the event as an opportunity to collect data and feedback from attendees. Gather email addresses, conduct surveys, and encourage social media sharing to expand your customer insights.

Follow Up Post-Event: Don’t let the momentum fade away after the event. Send personalised thank-you emails to attendees and continue engaging with them through follow-up marketing campaigns.

The Don’ts

Overwhelming Attendees: Avoid overwhelming your guests with too much information, excessive marketing materials, or pushy sales tactics. Keep the experience enjoyable and light-hearted.

Neglecting Brand Consistency: Ensure your event aligns seamlessly with your brand identity and messaging. Consistency is key to reinforcing brand recall and trust.

Ignoring Logistics: Poor planning and execution can tarnish the entire event. Have contingency plans, manage queues efficiently, and ensure staff is well-trained and knowledgeable about your brand.

Overlooking Permits and Regulations: Failing to secure necessary permits and adhering to local regulations can lead to legal troubles and jeopardise your event’s success.

Forgetting Social Media Interaction: Encourage attendees to share their experiences on social media by creating shareable moments or organising photo contests. Social media engagement can amplify your event’s reach.

Neglecting Accessibility: Ensure your event is accessible to all, including people with disabilities. Pay attention to wheelchair access, interpreters for the hearing impaired, and any other accommodations that might be needed.

Leaving Sustainability Behind: In this environmentally conscious age, incorporate sustainable practices into your event planning. Minimise waste, use eco-friendly materials, and consider supporting a charitable cause.

Underestimating Post-Event Follow-Up: The work doesn’t end when the event does. Analyse event data, assess its impact on your objectives, and use these insights to improve future marketing strategies.

Pop-ups and event marketing are potent tools for creating memorable brand experiences and forging lasting connections with your target audience. By adhering to the do’s and avoiding the don’ts, you can ensure your events are successful, leaving a positive and lasting impression on attendees, and driving significant results for your business. Remember, thoughtful planning, creativity, and genuine engagement are the pillars of effective pop-ups and event marketing.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world witnessed an unprecedented transformation in the events industry. With physical gatherings becoming unsafe, businesses, organisations, and individuals turned to virtual events as an alternative means of connecting and engaging with their audiences. While initially perceived as a temporary solution, virtual events have now firmly secured their place in the post-pandemic world. In this blog, we will explore the reasons behind the enduring popularity and success of virtual events and how they have revolutionised the way we host and participate in gatherings.
Accessibility and Inclusivity

One of the most significant advantages of virtual events is their ability to transcend geographical barriers and reach a global audience. Prior to the pandemic, attending conferences, seminars, or trade shows often required significant travel expenses and time commitments. With virtual events, anyone with an internet connection can participate, eliminating travel costs and making these events accessible to individuals from diverse backgrounds and locations. This increased accessibility has led to greater inclusivity, allowing marginalised groups and individuals with physical disabilities to participate fully and benefit from these gatherings.


Hosting and attending physical events can be costly for both organisers and participants. Venue rentals, travel expenses, accommodation, and other associated costs can quickly add up. In contrast, virtual events significantly reduce these expenses. Organisations can invest in top-notch virtual event platforms without the need for physical infrastructure. Similarly, attendees save money on travel, accommodation, and other expenses. This cost-effectiveness has made virtual events an attractive option for businesses, leading to increased adoption even after the pandemic.

Environmental Impact

Virtual events contribute positively to environmental sustainability by significantly reducing carbon footprints. The traditional events industry often generates considerable waste, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions. By opting for virtual events, we reduce the need for transportation, minimise paper usage, and lower energy consumption. As environmental consciousness grows among businesses and consumers alike, virtual events are seen as a more eco-friendly alternative, further cementing their place in the post-pandemic landscape.

Flexibility and Hybrid Options

The pandemic taught us the value of adaptability, and virtual events proved to be a flexible and resilient solution. Even as physical events return, the hybrid event model has emerged, combining the best of both worlds. Hybrid events enable organisers to cater to both in-person and virtual attendees, offering a seamless experience for all participants. This model allows for greater event reach, more diverse programming, and the potential for increased revenue streams. As a result, hybrid events are set to play a key role in the future of event planning.

The COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly accelerated the adoption of virtual events. However, their enduring success post-pandemic can be attributed to their unique advantages and the positive impact they bring. From increased accessibility and inclusivity to cost-effectiveness, environmental benefits, and the flexibility of hybrid options, virtual events have secured their place in the events industry. As technology continues to evolve and audience preferences shift, we can expect virtual events to remain an integral part of our lives, transforming the way we connect, engage, and learn in the digital age, making Every Moment Matter.

In a world saturated with marketing messages, creating a meaningful and lasting connection with consumers is a constant challenge for brands. Today, more than ever, businesses are turning to brand experience agencies to help them stand out from the competition and forge deep connections with their target audience, making Every Moment Matter. In this blog post, we explore how Strata, a leading brand experience agency, can help take your brand to the next level through the power of brand experience.
Understanding Your Brand Essence

One of the fundamental steps in creating a successful brand experience is understanding the essence of your brand. Strata works closely with your brand, taking the time to truly understand its values, personality, and unique selling proposition. By delving deep into your brand’s DNA, Strata can help create a cohesive and authentic brand experience that resonates with your target audience. This thorough understanding ensures that every touch point reflects your brand’s core identity, creating a consistent and compelling experience.

Crafting Immersive Experiences

Strata specialises in creating immersive experiences that captivate and engage audiences. Through careful design, innovative technology, and attention to detail, they transform ordinary spaces into extraordinary brand destinations. From pop-up activations and interactive installations to experiential events and retail environments, Strata leverages creativity and expertise to craft immersive experiences that leave a lasting impression on consumers. By engaging multiple senses and creating a sense of wonder, Strata helps your brand make a memorable impact.

Seamless Integration of Digital and Physical

In today’s digital age, successful brands must seamlessly integrate their online and offline presence. Strata understands the importance of this convergence and leverages technology to create immersive experiences that bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds. Whether it’s incorporating interactive digital elements, leveraging augmented reality, or creating social media-worthy moments, Strata ensures that your brand experience is cohesive across all channels. This integration not only enhances customer engagement but also drives brand awareness and advocacy.

Driving Emotional Connections

Brand experiences have the power to evoke emotions and create lasting connections with consumers. Strata focuses on designing experiences that tap into the emotional aspects of your brand, forging deep and meaningful connections with your target audience. By creating experiences that resonate with consumers on an emotional level, Strata helps build brand loyalty, advocacy, and long-term relationships. These emotional connections go beyond transactional interactions, transforming customers into brand ambassadors.

Measuring and Optimising Success

Strata believes in the power of data-driven insights to measure the success of brand experiences and drive continuous improvement. Through robust analytics and measurement tools, we gather valuable data on consumer engagement, behaviour, and sentiment. This data allows us to refine and optimise brand experiences, ensuring that each activation delivers maximum impact. Strata’s commitment to ongoing evaluation and improvement ensures that your brand stays relevant and continues to evolve in a rapidly changing marketplace.

In today’s competitive landscape, harnessing the power of brand experience is essential for brands looking to make a lasting impact on consumers. Strata, with its expertise in understanding brand essence, crafting immersive experiences, integrating digital and physical realms, driving emotional connections, and measuring success, is poised to take your brand to new heights. By partnering with Strata, you can unlock the full potential of brand experience and create meaningful connections that drive brand loyalty, advocacy, and growth. It’s time to elevate your brand with Strata and unleash the power of brand experience.

The brand marketing and experience sector looks to be set for a challenging time in 2023. With the cost of living crisis taking its toll and the industry still feeling the economic effects of prolonged lockdowns, there is no wonder companies are looking to work alongside a brand experience agency to enhance their chances of success.

Since the polycrisis, customers have been looking for more from brand experiences. Although we live in a digital age, customers seek more face-to-face interaction today. Real human interaction could overtake the once fantasised about metaverse and digital events. It might seem a huge challenge to overhaul your brand experience strategy. Yet, that doesn’t mean a positive brand experience is impossible. 

What is a brand experience? Continue reading to learn what brand experiences might look like and how they will enhance your business in 2023.

Getting Your Brand Experience Strategy Right

Understanding what a customer desires is the key to enhancing a brand experience. Those that want to make a mark in 2023 and stand out among the crowd need to acknowledge the connection between brand and customer experience and pursue efficient brand experience research. Getting to know your customers will ensure you can fulfil their needs.

So, how do you get your brand experience strategy right?

Many assume the common sense answer is to align with the expanding digital-forward nation. Yet, more and more customers are seeking human interaction with the shock and loneliness of the pandemic. Hence, instead of assuming brand experiences should be futuristic and digital-focused, it could benefit your brand experience strategy to revert to physical events. They worked back then, so that means they can work now.

More digital integration may not be the answer for 2023. Instead, it could be all about pop-ups, exhibitions, and roadshows. Human interaction and face-to-face communication will feed the growing appetite of those who desire real-life experiences.

Virtual experience innovations are inevitable, but they will never manage to fully replace real-world interactions, particularly now that the economy is struggling.

Digital Vs. Human

Making a mark in 2023 with brand experiences does not mean scrapping digital and immersive brand experiences altogether. Some audiences will enjoy the metaverse and prefer to have the option of staying at home while enjoying a brand experience. 

Hence, your next batch of branded customer experiences could utilise hybridity. Offering both digital and human experiences could be how you approach your events going forward. 

Hybrid physical-digital interactions could boost customer engagement. Experiential marketing that combines virtual and real-world activities could result in great success. 

Furthermore, smaller firms should take advantage of boutique experiences in 2023. These can offer more customised and individualised services to build customer relationships and attain dedicated engagement. 

Building Genuine Customer Relationships

To make a mark in 2023, keeping it real is the way forward. It might feel uncomfortable for businesses that want to deliver perfect results. Yet, it is true to say that nobody is perfect. Keeping it real will show your customers who you truly are and what they should expect from your future brand experiences. 

Keeping it real goes without saying that you should continue to be genuine and ensure to fulfil a positive impression. For example, promoting your business at an exhibition should involve genuine communication about what the customer should expect from you. Keep it real and avoid making promises. The more you do so, the more trusting your customer will be.

Businesses in 2023 should acknowledge that building customer trust will enable them to produce better, more valuable brand experiences. This requires wearing their beliefs on their sleeves and, most importantly, sticking to them. It also requires giving open, truthful responses to any important questions customers might have during their experience.

We at Strata are optimistic that your brand experiences will be well-received in 2023 and beyond. To get in touch and discuss how Strata can help your business deliver unforgettable brand experiences: [email protected]

With lockdowns, numerous limitations, and the approaching prospect of a financial catastrophe, the events industry has faced many difficulties and significant changes in recent years. Making the appropriate decisions can help you implement a successful event marketing plan.

What will the event industry look like in 2023 and beyond, and should you consider these new opportunities or threats? When it comes to improving event marketing strategy, there are several factors to consider, like adopting better practices to follow modern trends, using new technology, and delegating well-being.

Here are five predictions we have made for event marketing in 2023.

1 – Adopting practices that align with current trends

Now more than ever, it’s critical to embrace better event marketing practices. The necessity to focus on sustainability components of events has grown significantly due to the client crisis and ongoing sustainability concerns. 

For event marketing examples in 2023, you may anticipate that venues will start serving plant-based meals and more environmentally friendly choices. Additionally, event-based marketing examples can include stands promising to sell eco-friendly goods and customers requesting that agencies set precise, quantifiable goals for the sustainability aspects of their events.

There is much that can be done to safeguard the environment, and there are several tiny actions that each of us can take to lessen the potential effects of occurrences.

2 – Innovative event marketing experiences

Event marketing and event promotion will probably be more avant-garde and experimental in 2023. Events held in person are expected to increase due to the lockdown restrictions.

Since guests’ need for authentic and memorable experiences is growing, immersive, experiential events, pop-ups, and brand activations will be at the forefront of all event marketing companies. The best experiences that provide clients with reachable and tangible ROI and lead-generation opportunities will be the focus of event planners’ work.

3 – Utilising new technologies 

The development of event technology and the rising demand for it are trends we saw emerge in 2022. Event planners may now provide customers with more options, thanks to recent advancements in advanced AI, AR, and VR. So, anticipate seeing it more during brand marketing in 2023.

Demand and the market for new technologies are only expected to expand. Since most event ticketing is now done online, brands can design their own registration websites with unique domains and complete user experiences before, during, and after events.

4 – Prioritising well-being

This year, there has been a significant shift in well-being, with jam-packed event programming becoming obsolete.

Instead, customers want more events that emphasise rest and leisure. Consequently, the event marketing process will probably place emphasis on nutritious meals to fuel participants during events, as well as recreational activities that encourage mindfulness and provide delegates with a chance to take a break from their busy schedules and recharge.

5 – Decisive and strategic planning

The cost of the living problem will have a significant impact on company budgets and how they choose to spend their money, even though the event industry is currently back up and running and expected to grow. The cost per attendee will increase. Therefore, when it comes to budgets, agencies need to be much more imaginative and clever when selling concepts to clients that are still fresh, interesting and aligned with business goals.

If there’s anything we’ve learned over the past few years, it’s that we can never entirely forecast what might happen, but what we can do is force both the agency and the client to adapt and change course, which will ultimately help you succeed and advance in the field of event marketing.

We at Strata are hopeful and looking forward to helping current and new clients achieve their goals in 2023 and beyond!

Get in touch to discuss your 2023 event requirements

Strata press release – 2nd March 2022

Creative brand engagement agency, Strata, has enhanced their team across all areas of the business. Welcoming eight new starters into their operations, technical production, event project management, and HR teams to deliver increased demand across multiple client accounts.

Supporting this growth is the new Director of People, Jake Shuckburgh, who joins in this newly created position to lead the agencies people strategy. Jake is responsible for all things people, and will be incorporating employee wellbeing, mental health, and culture development of the workforce across all Strata locations.

In the Live Department Katie Lewis joins as a Senior Delegate Manager, previously of WRG, bringing her five years of experience to the department. This team also welcomes Charlotte English, Project Account Executive, who will primarily support on event delivery for the agency’s automotive clients.

Matthew Vallis, previously of Chameleon Event Production, strengthens the production team as Technical Production Manager, in response to the growing demand for both live and virtual experiences.

The operational department has seen the biggest growth recently, with four new team members including, Lauren Hayward in the new role of Operations Assistant; David Rayner, Warehouse Manager; and Adam Tait and Colin Waldron as new Warehouse and Event Operatives respectively. All strengthening the delivery of event operations across all client accounts.

This recruitment drive comes as the agency continues to see a rapid influx of briefs following the lifting of restrictions combined with new client wins, as well as a continued need for virtual experiences. Furthermore, as the industry returns to its full force in 2022, the agency continues to advertise for new vacancies and expects to expand their team by a further 30% over the next six months.

Simon Hambley, CEO of Strata

“The industry is returning with a bang and in response we are seeing growth across our whole client base. The past two years have taught us that we are adaptable, but the demand for live experiences is well and truly restored, and that is evident in the increase in client briefs coming through.

So as both domestic and international events return, we are preparing our team and operations. Developing our capabilities and strengthening the bandwidth within the business to set us up for our busiest year to date. Ensuring we’re equipped to deal with the growing demands from our clients, both new and existing to Strata.

Our people are vital to our success, and we’re thrilled to be welcoming great new talent as we enter our fourth year of trading. I’m delighted to welcome Jake, Katie, Charlotte, Matthew, David, Lauren, Adam, and Colin to Strata. We have a busy year ahead.”

Our Clients

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Every brand touchpoint is a moment that matters. A chance to strengthen your message with clarity and relevance. To make your audience feel like they're part of something extraordinary, get in touch.