
Innovative Strategies for Global Event Engagement

For the fifth event in our Making Moments Matter series, we brought together heads of events and marketing from some of the world’s leading brands, to discuss the future of content.

Live events, whether IRL, online or hybrid, remain one of the most impactful ways to bring brands closer to their audiences.

As a result, brands are focusing their efforts on delivering unique moments and experiences that deliver impact, change behaviour, align values and create belief. So what role does content play in delivering that, and how can brands really make content work for them?

We discussed a number of topics, from changing human behaviours and content exhaustion to inclusivity in content. Access our key take-aways here:

Strata’s Head of Strategic Meetings Management, Caroline Lumgair-Wiseman, recently attended the Dorchester Collection’s Annual Luxury Retreat at Coworth Park in Ascot, an event designed to showcase premier venues to top global planners from the UK and Europe.

The retreat at Coworth Park showcased the diverse facilities and services that exemplify the type of venues we are able to source for our clients. With 244 acres of stunning grounds, luxurious accommodations, extensive event spaces, and unique amenities such as an equestrian centre and wellness programs, Coworth Park serves as a perfect example of an exemplary luxury venue.

At Strata, we prioritise aligning venue selection with our clients’ specific briefs and strategic objectives. Our comprehensive approach involves thoroughly understanding the unique requirements of each client and event, from the desired atmosphere and amenities to logistical needs and budget constraints. This ensures that every venue we propose not only meets but exceeds our clients’ expectations.

Strata’s venue sourcing & event management services go beyond venue recommendations. We offer a full suite of solutions designed to optimise every aspect of event planning and execution:

– Venue Sourcing and Customisation: We identify and secure venues that perfectly fit the client’s brief, negotiating the best terms and customising the space to meet specific needs. As well as working closely with hotels and venues, we also offer destination advice, collaborating closely with trusted partners around the world.

– Program Design and Planning: We develop detailed event plans that align with the client’s strategic goals, ensuring each element supports the overall purpose.

– Logistics Management: We handle all logistics, including transportation, accommodations, and on-site coordination, to ensure a seamless experience.

– Cost Optimisation: We implement strategies to maximize the return on investment, ensuring that every event is both impactful and cost-effective.

Our team of experts is dedicated to enhancing the client experience by providing personalised service and tailored solutions. We work closely with clients to understand their vision and deliver events that are memorable and effective.

By attending events like the Dorchester Collection’s Luxury Retreat, Strata remains well-informed about the latest industry trends and innovations. This allows us to continually refine our offerings and provide our clients with cutting-edge solutions that drive human engagement while optimising business success.

This event was a strategic client event attended by all of the collection’s hotels who presented memorable stories to the group at dinner. The activities provided valuable time to build relationships and learn more about the group’s landmark hotels and their home destinations.

For a strategic partner that ensures your venue fits your brief and delivers exceptional value, get in touch. Our expertise can help bring your brand closer to your audiences, creating impactful and unforgettable moments that matter.

Driving engagement with your people, partners and customers through live events and experiences.

In an era marked by remote work and digital dominance, the sheer volume of digital communication has created an immunity and disconnect to the messages that brands are trying to convey.

So how can brands authentically connect and engage with their people, partners and customers?

We brought together speakers from Clifford Chance, Atom bank, Stellantis, Intel, and scarlettabbott to explore how to reinvent live events and experiences that truly build brands from the inside out.

Find our key takeaways here…

Make Me Care, The Power of Employee Advocacy

Jeremy Petty, CEO of scarlettabbott, discussed the critical role of employee engagement in enhancing organisational performance. He emphasised that employees’ feelings towards their employer significantly influence their work and loyalty. Highlighting the importance of internal brand connection, he advocates for storytelling and authenticity to build a genuine brand culture. Jeremy underscores the necessity of listening to employees for insights and ensuring their wellbeing as foundational for engagement. Through examples like Oxfam and Tommy Hilfiger, he illustrated successful strategies for fostering brand advocacy from within.

The final point in the keynote was the importance of sustained effort in maintaining engagement and advocacy among employees.

“Tell the story, get people excited about it. But then continue that drumbeat of storytelling over the next 6-12 months.”

Strategies for Internal Communications to Engage a Global Audience

Effective internal communication in a global, hybrid, and changing corporate environment requires consistency, inclusivity, and the ability to celebrate past achievements while looking forward. Tailoring messages to different groups, empowering line managers, and using a variety of communication channels are all part of a successful strategy.

Engaging events that honour the organisation’s history can also play a significant role in smoothing transitions during mergers and acquisitions.

“Don’t deny what has been, actually think about celebrating it and help people on the journey throughout.” – Paul Osgood, Clifford Chance.

How to Navigate Budgets while Engaging Internal Audiences and Partners

Overall, the discussion emphasised the importance of creativity, transparency, and strategic planning in overcoming budget challenges while ensuring effective engagement with audiences and partners.

“Keep focusing on the ‘Why’ are you doing that event and get to the point where you are able to articulate that ROI back to the company, even in a time of budget constraints, it’s amazing how you can find pockets of budget that will enable you to do what you’re hoping to do.” – Elaine Cook, Intel

How Important is the New and Evolving Role of the Internal Influencer?

In summary, encouraging employees to champion the brand enhances morale and brand perception through cross-functional influence and specialist networks. Leveraging internal comms strategies and technology for engagement and advocacy creates a cohesive and motivated workforce.

“…the thing that was so so exciting was being in the lift on Monday morning listening to people say, I’m so proud to be a part of this organisation.” – Paul Osgood, Clifford Chance

How to Build a Brand Internally Through Technology & Communication Platforms

These insights highlight the evolving landscape of internal communication, emphasising the need for strategic, inclusive, and engaging approaches to sustain and build brand identity and culture in a digitally connected world.

“Sometimes you’ve got to be cruel to be kind. And that is to say, keep this piece of content exclusively for this channel, and funnily enough, people will watch it, they will get a consistent experience, and Bob’s your uncle.” – Paul Osgood, Clifford Chance

What Internal Communication Strategies are Essential for Effectively Scaling a Business?

An emphasis on the importance of transparent communication, strong leadership, and a supportive culture in effectively managing internal communications during the scaling of a business.

“Have the culture in place and people can make the right decisions… let people find their own way – Elaine Cook, Intel

How to Manage Your People in Times of Change

The discussion emphasised the need for strategic communication, empathetic leadership, and a deep understanding of individual experiences of change. These elements are crucial for maintaining motivation, alignment, and resilience among employees during uncertain times.

“You’ve got to have a leader who is honest, who’s transparent, who you actually believe is invested in the business, and that they’re not just there for a short space of time.” – Andrew Curley, Stellantis

What Metrics Should We Use to Effectively Measure the Success of Internal Branding Efforts?

The conversations underscored the complexity of measuring the success of internal branding efforts, highlighting the need for a mix of quantitative and qualitative metrics. They also stress the importance of investing in measurement strategies to justify and inform ongoing and future initiatives, ensuring that internal branding efforts are effectively contributing to organisational growth and employee engagement.

“…what’s the understanding of the strategy? What’s the view pre-event, during the event, and post-event? Then we can start to tell a story about how we’re not just demonstrating ROI, but taking people on a journey.” – Jeremy Petty, scarlettabbott

How Can We Create Meaningful Connections Internally?

The discussion covered an approach to fostering meaningful connections within the organisation, blending direct involvement from leadership with opportunities for employees to be actively engaged and recognised for their contributions. This combination of commitment from the top down and active participation from the ground up is effective in creating a more connected and motivated workforce.

“Ultimately, the test in training your sales force is… do you hit your sales goals?” – Elaine Cook, Intel

Winning in the World of Incentives

Mike Parrott, Head of Performance Improvement & Incentives, emphasises hyper-personalisation as the key to the future of employee incentives. He highlights that adding AI into the mix changes the game, making it possible to motivate employees more effectively. The future of incentives involves using technology not as a distant overseer but as a personal coach that helps employees understand their progress and what they need to do next, tailored to their individual situations.

This personalised attention is crucial in a world where work and personal life are increasingly blended, and traditional methods of engagement may fall short. By focusing on the individual and employing advanced technology, organisations can significantly boost motivation and performance.

Strata was lucky enough to #inspireinclusion with micebook on International Women’s Day 2024.  

On March 8th, 2024, micebook presented their third annual IWD event. As we champion a more inclusive world, we had the privilege of being part of this event, fostering discussions that able us to understand and appreciate women’s inclusion within the events industry and beyond.  

The day was filled with engaging discussions, shared experiences and a better understanding of the importance of diverse topics. We left feeling inspired and empowered. 

These were our key takeaways… 

Inclusion has come a long way but some way to go. 

Inclusion has undoubtedly made strides in recent years, but there remains significant ground to cover in the journey toward gender equality. While policies and initiatives have been implemented to promote diversity and inclusion, there still hinders problems within the wider industry, of gender pay gaps and underrepresentation in leadership roles.  

Despite the progress made, achieving true inclusions requires ongoing commitment, advocacy, and collective action to dismantle barriers and create inclusive environments where all individuals, regardless of gender, can thrive and contribute fully to the company they represent.  

Men need to be part of the conversation too. 

Women simply can’t do it alone; men need to be involved in the fight for gender equality. Involving men in discussions about gender equality can form a deeper understanding of the challenges women face and encourage empathy and solidarity. By engaging men as allies, we can break down stereotypes. 

James Coomber, Leadership Coach and Facilitator, shared his thoughts on how men can, genuinely support their female colleagues: 
Listen Actively: Be present, and truly hear the experiences and concerns of female colleagues. 

Educate and Grow: Engage with resources on gender issues and really understand the issue. 

Speak with Care: Address any form of discrimination or inappropriate behaviour you come across sensibly.  

Be an advocate for women: Speak up for women, be their voice when they are not there and celebrate their successes 

Challenge the Status Quo: Consciously and openly work against outdated norms. 

Seek Feedback: Nobody’s perfect. Be open to feedback and learn from mistakes. 

Facing imposter syndrome  

Imposter syndrome often weighs particularly heavy on the shoulders of women navigating professional careers. Although more than half of women (54%) feel they have experienced imposter syndrome, compared with just 38% of men, it still shows the importance of fostering inclusive environments that champion diversity and validate all individuals, regardless of gender. By acknowledging and addressing imposter syndrome head-on, we can create a culture of empowerment and support, enabling both men and women to thrive. 

The events world is heavily dominated by women but is it in upper management? 

Despite making up 75% of the event industry, women remain underrepresented in top leadership positions, accounting for less than 20%, as highlighted in the IBTM Event Management Gender Equality Report 2022. This underscores the pressing need for concerted efforts to dismantle barriers and foster inclusivity, ensuring that all voices are not only heard but also empowered to lead. 

While progress has been made, with 1 in 4 women holding c-suite roles, it’s also crucial to note that only 1 in 16 of these are women of colour. Clearly, there is some work to do. 

The impact of tech on our lives 

Keynote speaker Elaine Kasket discussed the impact technology can have on our daily lives and mental health; advising attendees to shift their focus from merely measuring the duration of their phone and social media usage to assessing the impact of their activities on their stress levels.  

While acknowledging the positive benefits that technology and AI can provide in being both connective and responding. Kasket highlights that only we as humans have the power to form true connections.  

 Everyone needs to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. 

A huge thank you to micebook for organising an exceptional International Women’s Day Event. Your dedication to celebrating and amplifying the voices of women in the industry is commendable and deeply appreciated. We look forward to next year! 

Featured image credit: micebook.

In the dynamic realm of corporate incentives, the pressure is on to craft tailored experiences that transcend the ordinary, leaving a lasting impact on participants. At Strata, we thrive on such challenges, and when Citroën entrusted us with orchestrating an incentive trip for their top-performing sales executives, we knew we had to deliver something truly exceptional.

Our mandate was crystal clear: design an experience that not only forged unforgettable memories but also pushed the boundaries. With Morocco as our chosen destination, we crafted an immersive journey that seamlessly blended culture, adventure, and luxury, offering an unparalleled experience.

With meticulous attention to detail, we created an incentive trip that surpassed expectations. From the moment the participants received our pre-event communications to their seamless on-site experience, every aspect was flawlessly executed.

Achieving a 100% score on pre-event communications and on-site management was a testament to our commitment to excellence. The bespoke app we developed boasted a remarkable 90% adoption rate, providing participants with a digital companion that enhanced their journey every step of the way.

“Thank you for making the trip run so smoothly, it was excellent all round” – Citroën Managing Director UK.

At Strata, we take pride in our ability to deliver results. From destination management to programme development, delegate management, app creation, supplier liaison, and on-site management, every aspect of the journey was meticulously handled by our team.

Key Achievements

Customised Experiences: We tailored the programme to align with the diverse demographics of the participants, ensuring that every individual felt seen and valued.

Supplier Management: Our trusted relationships with suppliers ensured seamless execution and consistently high standards across all aspects of the trip.

People and Logistics Management: Carefully chosen guides facilitated meaningful interactions and ensured smooth logistics.

Custom App Design: Our bespoke app not only provided essential information but also enhanced the overall experience, earning high adoption rates and rave reviews.

As we continue to push the boundaries of corporate incentives, we look forward to making every moment matter and creating unforgettable experiences.

What Sustainability Means to Strata… 

Sustainability is a global issue and something that at Strata we recognise impacts us in a multitude of ways.  

As a challenger agency, we want to be known for pushing boundaries and innovating experiences for our clients and their audiences. Making moments that matter for everyone, including the planet and communities around us. Our commitment to sustainability is leaving a legacy, not a footprint. 

Becoming more sustainable is a fantastic opportunity for us to upskill, reinvent, and transform the way we define excellence.  

As we transition to a more sustainable marketplace, expectations are shifting. Something that is not sustainable is very quickly losing its value and place in today’s society. As a business and industry, we need to react to that.  

Sustainability in the Events Industry  

Across the industry many green initiatives have been established, including the micebook Power 50 Green Champions list, highlighting the great work of the industry’s sustainability champions.  I was hugely honoured to be included on this prestigious list, recognising our work driving forward internal initiatives to make Strata, and the events we deliver for clients, more sustainable. 

Since being recognised Louise has continued working with our clients and operational teams to better our practices and champion more sustainable solutions for our clients. Strata has attended a number of the industry sustainability events that are now in their second or third year, such as the CN Sustainability Summit which you can learn more about here.  

As we see more and more industry initiatives and events pop up, it highlights the hunger for sustainability right across the industry. They provide a much needed platform on which industry professionals can share knowledge and learnings and are hugely valuable experiences. So how can you start to create more sustainable events?  

It’s our job to deliver sustainable events that inspire the audience and leave a positive legacy. ROI can be measured through set KPIs, but what about an event legacy? How do we measure this and ensure our events are successful when it comes to sustainability?  

Establishing some sustainability objectives for your event is a vital place to start. What areas do you want to focus on? How will you track those and what are they measured against?  

Take waste reduction, for example. You want to reduce your waste, but by how much and by when? And how do you track that goal?  

The first step is to understand where your waste levels currently sit, giving you a benchmark figure to work on reducing as well as an understanding of where your waste is coming from e.g.: food waste, print, branding, or something else 

Next, you need to build ways to reduce those areas of waste. Adopting a circular economy will help you understand how to achieve this. Then you must measure your waste at future events to enable you to track your figures allowing you to understand if you are seeing a waste reduction. 

Adopting this process ensures your goal of being more sustainable is tangible and something you can track and report confidently to the wider business and your audience.  

We all have a responsibility to learn what it means to run sustainable events, and that’s what we’re tackling here at Strata.  

2024 Event Tech Trends Unveiled at Strata’s Insight Event

Attendees at the Strata insights event, at The Ned in London last week, were treated to a preview of some of the most important tech trends which will shape the events industry in 2024 and beyond.

Speaking to an audience of event industry leaders, three key trends were showcased to help brands deliver greater results through events and marketing in 2024, by Chris Vernon-Smith, Creative Director of On Event Production Co (a subsidiary of Strata).

Tech Trend #1 – Personalisation

Opportunities now exist to personalise content to individuals dynamically, matching the mood and environment. Two examples were presented.

3D Audio Beam forming – such as the HOLOPLOT speakers used at ABBA Voyage. This beams highly directional sound to a specific audience or space. In a conference environment, the speaker could be translated into a different language instantaneously in different parts of the room.

Facial recognition – unobtrusive face recognition technology can gather attendee data with no need to scan badges or QR codes (this can be GDPR compliant). Room engagement could also be measured based on facial expressions meaning an event speaker could detect the mood of an audience through feedback from the tech, changing their energy or delivery accordingly.

Tech Trend #2 Sustainability

Two examples relevant to the events industry were presented.

PET eco-fabric – uses dye sub-printing and water-based inks to significantly reduce emissions compared to traditional print. For every roll of material that goes through the printers, 3,000 bottles are saved from ending up in the ocean or landfill.

Green mobile power – is now delivering the power output and duration to make it usable for large-scale outdoor events.

Tech Trend #3 Immersive Tech

Two ways in which immersive tech can transform event experiences were showcased.

LED film – improvements in LED resolution, power, and price point mean translucent screens on a massive scale can now add new dimensions to event spaces, product launches, and exhibitions.

The Vegas Sphere – mapped with LEDs and functioning as a giant video screen inside and out, produces video that dynamically changes throughout a show.

Giles Cattle, Director of Creative Strategy and Business Development at Strata said, “This was the third in our ‘Making Moments Matter’ Insight Series. First, we looked at globalisation, then we followed up with our Big Budget Debate. This time we gathered together experts, leaders, and visionaries to showcase the predictions and trend insights that will be shaping event brand and marketing in 2024 and beyond. It was an incredibly thought-provoking event and attendees went away inspired.”

Speakers and panel attendees also included Greg Clayton, Head of Markets, Brands and Shoppers Insights at Ipsos, Jen Bonassera, Global Events Director at Charlotte Tilbury, Kristian Cholmondeley, Managing Director at Jeep and Fiona Macnish, Head of Global Events at M&G Investments.

A full insights report from the event will be published in January and will be available on stratacreate.com.

To be the first to receive a copy, please click here.

A deep dive into shifting human behaviours within B2B and B2C markets, exploring how brands can leverage practical insights and trends to deliver greater results through events and marketing in 2024. 

As we gear up to close the curtains on 2023, we’re thrilled to announce our final event of the year in the Making Moments Matter series. An exclusive, forward-thinking event that’s set to redefine the way we approach audience engagement and brand strategy in the coming year. 

What’s in Store: 

Join us for an immersive insights session that goes beyond the surface of trends and predictions. We’re bringing together industry leaders, visionaries, and experts to explore the practical applications that will elevate audience engagement for your organisation. It’s not just a discussion – it’s a hands-on experience designed to provide tangible takeaways. 

Key Highlights: 

Trend Spotting:
Discover the latest trends expected to shape the global marketing and events landscape in 2024. 

Measurement and data: 
What key metrics will be most in demand and how to leverage key data. 

Technical innovations:
Understand what technical innovations and production techniques will be shaping events and used to enhance experiences 

Industry Experts: 
Hear from a range of industry experts, thought leaders, and innovators, who will share actionable insights for a successful year. 

Future-Proofing Your Strategy: 
Understand how to adapt and future-proof your event strategies to ensure sustained success in a fast-changing global environment. 

Q&A Sessions: 
The chance to ask the experts any burning questions you have about the challenges, expectations, and opportunities facing event leaders in the coming year. 

Meet the Speakers: 

Greg Clayton, Head of MBS Insights (Markets, Brands, and Shoppers) at Ipsos

Greg will give an exclusive look at the trends and insights that will shape your 2024 consumer, audience, and event strategy. You will come away with practical tools to enhance your 2024 results. 

Kristian Cholmondeley, Managing Director of Jeep 

Kris has an extensive 20 years of experience working across the automotive industry in sales and marketing roles for Peugeot, Citroen, Alfa Romeo, and most recently as Managing Director for Jeep. One of his missions is to eliminate the beige; Kris works to give brands a clear identity and communicate in a relevant and enriching way for the target audience. These communications then convert interest into successful, commercial, and sustainable results. 

Jen Bonassera, Global Events Director at Charlotte Tilbury 

With 15 years of experience shaping events for brands such as Burberry and Soho House, Jen’s expertise spans red carpet parties, runway shows, pop-ups, and VIP brand events worldwide. 

Fiona Macnish, Head of Global Events at M&G Investments 

With over ten years of experience in corporate events across both the energy industry and financial services, Fiona has managed a range of events in both the UK and Europe and now oversees a team of event professionals globally.

Why Attend: 

Discover practical applications that can transform consumer and business audience engagement for your organisation. From cutting-edge insights to hands-on strategies, this event is your gateway to staying at the forefront of trends that will shape the global event landscape in 2024. 

Secure Your Spot on the waiting list:

Don’t miss the chance to be part of this exclusive event. Its not too late to join the waiting list! Secure your spot today and position yourself ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of audience engagement and brand strategy. 

In the realm of events, creating memorable experiences is paramount. Here at Strata, a brand experience agency, we not only understand this but we take it a step further by consistently delivering the added value our clients truly expect. Here we delve into how we are proud to be setting the bar high and reshaping the event landscape. 
Personalisation Redefined

Our approach starts with a deep dive into each client’s vision and objectives. One size doesn’t fit all in the events world, and we know and embrace that. By tailoring every aspect of an event to align with the client’s brand, goals, and audience, we ensure a level of personalisation that leaves a lasting impact. 

Innovative Concepts, Tailored Execution

Adding value isn’t just about meeting expectations; it’s about surpassing them. We thrive on pushing boundaries, introducing innovative event concepts that resonate with today’s dynamic audiences. From interactive tech elements to immersive themes, we blend creativity with meticulous planning to execute these ideas seamlessly for our clients. 

Seamless Collaboration

We understand that a successful event hinges on a seamless partnership. The Strata team becomes an extension of the client’s vision, collaborating at every step to address concerns and find solutions. This collaboration doesn’t just create events; it cultivates relationships built on trust and shared success. 

Beyond the Event

Strata’s commitment to added value extends beyond the event itself by providing post-event analysis and insights, helping clients gauge the event’s impact and gather valuable feedback for future endeavours. This holistic approach ensures a continuous cycle of improvement. 

Insights as a value add

At the end of 2022, Strata instructed an independent relationship RADAR report. 

Relationship RADAR® is an online assessment tool designed to help businesses with key B2B relationships identify and address issues, reducing risk and uncovering growth opportunities. It provides a comprehensive measure of relationship health, going beyond a simple propensity to recommend score. 

Strata were thrilled to receive an overall radar score of 6.2 / 7 which is well above the RADAR standard of 5.5%. 

One piece of feedback received from clients was a desire for insights. As a result of that, we have invested significantly this year in building an insights event programme allowing us to deliver more strategic content to our clients. 

In a world where expectations are constantly evolving, Strata stands firm in its commitment to offering clients the added value they expect and deserve. Through personalised experiences, innovative concepts, and unwavering collaboration, Strata isn’t just shaping events; they’re shaping memories that resonate long after the final applause, making Every Moment Matter. 

Our Clients

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a chat!

Every brand touchpoint is a moment that matters. A chance to strengthen your message with clarity and relevance. To make your audience feel like they're part of something extraordinary, get in touch.