
A deep dive into shifting human behaviours within B2B and B2C markets, exploring how brands can leverage practical insights and trends to deliver greater results through events and marketing in 2024. 

As we gear up to close the curtains on 2023, we’re thrilled to announce our final event of the year in the Making Moments Matter series. An exclusive, forward-thinking event that’s set to redefine the way we approach audience engagement and brand strategy in the coming year. 

What’s in Store: 

Join us for an immersive insights session that goes beyond the surface of trends and predictions. We’re bringing together industry leaders, visionaries, and experts to explore the practical applications that will elevate audience engagement for your organisation. It’s not just a discussion – it’s a hands-on experience designed to provide tangible takeaways. 

Key Highlights: 

Trend Spotting:
Discover the latest trends expected to shape the global marketing and events landscape in 2024. 

Measurement and data: 
What key metrics will be most in demand and how to leverage key data. 

Technical innovations:
Understand what technical innovations and production techniques will be shaping events and used to enhance experiences 

Industry Experts: 
Hear from a range of industry experts, thought leaders, and innovators, who will share actionable insights for a successful year. 

Future-Proofing Your Strategy: 
Understand how to adapt and future-proof your event strategies to ensure sustained success in a fast-changing global environment. 

Q&A Sessions: 
The chance to ask the experts any burning questions you have about the challenges, expectations, and opportunities facing event leaders in the coming year. 

Meet the Speakers: 

Greg Clayton, Head of MBS Insights (Markets, Brands, and Shoppers) at Ipsos

Greg will give an exclusive look at the trends and insights that will shape your 2024 consumer, audience, and event strategy. You will come away with practical tools to enhance your 2024 results. 

Kristian Cholmondeley, Managing Director of Jeep 

Kris has an extensive 20 years of experience working across the automotive industry in sales and marketing roles for Peugeot, Citroen, Alfa Romeo, and most recently as Managing Director for Jeep. One of his missions is to eliminate the beige; Kris works to give brands a clear identity and communicate in a relevant and enriching way for the target audience. These communications then convert interest into successful, commercial, and sustainable results. 

Jen Bonassera, Global Events Director at Charlotte Tilbury 

With 15 years of experience shaping events for brands such as Burberry and Soho House, Jen’s expertise spans red carpet parties, runway shows, pop-ups, and VIP brand events worldwide. 

Fiona Macnish, Head of Global Events at M&G Investments 

With over ten years of experience in corporate events across both the energy industry and financial services, Fiona has managed a range of events in both the UK and Europe and now oversees a team of event professionals globally.

Why Attend: 

Discover practical applications that can transform consumer and business audience engagement for your organisation. From cutting-edge insights to hands-on strategies, this event is your gateway to staying at the forefront of trends that will shape the global event landscape in 2024. 

Secure Your Spot on the waiting list:

Don’t miss the chance to be part of this exclusive event. Its not too late to join the waiting list! Secure your spot today and position yourself ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of audience engagement and brand strategy. 

• Multi-channel activity “enriching” lives of target market
• UGC and Instagram at the heart of the strategy
• Peugeot enlists brand experience agency Strata to deliver B2C experience

Peugeot’s latest brand activation has adopted a “more modern” approach to marketing that is more customer-centric and less metric-driven.

Kris Cholmondeley, Marketing Director at Peugeot, said that the “time-limited nature of physical-only events” led the car marque to purposefully expand its most recent multi-channel brand campaign into the digital space, extending the live element of the activation’s value and broadening its reach.

Peugeot enlisted the expertise of brand experience agency Strata to design and deliver its Inception at Outernet experience at London’s latest immersive entertainment district Outernet, as part of an ongoing two-year experiential campaign running in the UK.

“Only 40% of people in the UK are car enthusiasts and only 6% of the population is in the market for a car at any one time,” explained Cholmondeley. “We wanted to find a hook that appealed to 80-90% of that market.”

He continued: “We all get bombarded by too much intrusive marketing, so it was important that we devised an activation that enriched the lives of our audience and did not intrude.”

Cholmondeley added: “From our research, we found that the average person in the UK takes 2,000 photos on their phone every year, but few know how to do this well. Taking photographs of things we see is such an intrinsic part of our life. We identified a clear opportunity to create a campaign that spoke to our audience through photography and by delivering free photography masterclasses. It was the perfect medium to highlight Peugeot’s stunning design and the quality of our products, and it allowed our audience to discover the brand in a more organic, and less intrusive, way.”

Peugeot’s knowledge of the marketplace informed its communication strategy. It knew that photography was key to the campaign’s success and that consistent communication was vital if it wished to create an authentic and relevant brand-first, product-second activation.

Strata’s experienced team – headed up by Giles Cattle, Director of Creative and Strategy at Strata Creative Communications – developed, designed, and delivered the creative concept, content, and activation.

Cattle said: “The Peugeot experience featured multiple touchpoints that worked for multiple audiences, maximised ROI and generated valuable user-generated content (UGC). Consumers, press and content creators all had enriching and engaging moments through a packed week-long activation at Outernet.”

Visitors were able to explore a dynamic and interactive environment that housed Peugeot’s Inception concept vehicle. They could also step inside The Cube, an immersive environment comprised of innovative LED and state-of-the-art mirror technology. Inside the Cube, users could take part in a phone photography masterclass delivered by a Peugeot photography content creators, learn new skills, and share their photography across social channels using the #PeugeotPresents hashtag. The Cube is currently touring various urban event and festival locations and in 2024, will continue to visit aligned lifestyle events too.

Cholmondeley continued: “Photography lives across everything we do so we used it as a hook for increased engagement. This dynamic approach to UGC is completely different to our historical approach to events, which has been somewhat traditional.”

According to Cholmondeley, there is “too much beige in the world”, which is why Peugeot wanted the content-rich campaign to be bold and more innovative, creating desire and intrigue.

“We originally thought of using Outernet as an OOH campaign but then we quickly realised there was more scope,” he added. “We had a great, dynamic event agency in Strata that grew our brief, met our objectives, repeatedly communicated our four pillars – Stunning Design, High-End Quality, an Exciting Drive and Electric Leadership – and integrated the important photography aspect to the campaign.”

The Inception at Outernet experience attracted more than 76,000 visitors and the campaign had an online reach of more than 126 million. Furthermore, Inception at Outernet reached more than 11.4 million social users. That figure continues to grow as more UGC is released.

“We created an environment that would drive phone usage and extend the reach of the brand, beyond the physical event, and beyond what we could measure,” said Cholmondeley.

He continued: “When you look at event KPIs, people always look at how many leads you have and the data you’ve got but sometimes this information is looked at too early in the process. Plus, it’s data that is designed to please an internal metric. It’s not customer-centric. One of our big KPIs is Instagram followers – we find it’s a much softer, natural way to pique people’s interest in the brand. We look to see how many new Instagram followers we have. It’s not just about the car, it’s about photography and lifestyle, and so we must speak to our customers in a language that they want to be spoken to in.”

Whilst thousands of people experienced Inception at Outernet, millions more saw the photos. During the week-long event, Peugeot UK increased its Instagram following by more than 2,000. This growth emphasised the significance of Peugeot’s content and engagement strategies with its target audience and demonstrated that it successfully extended the experience “beyond the room” and into the digital space.

“This was an incredibly important aspect of the campaign,” Cholmondeley commented. “We want the Peugeot brand to be front of mind so when customers are in the market for a car, we don’t need to pester them with data and emails that they don’t want to receive.”

This “softer” and more customer-centric approach to promoting the Peugeot brand was central to the activation as was the “collaborative” and “cross-functional” nature of the campaign’s creation and delivery.

Cholmondeley explained further: “It’s been fantastic to work with Strata to design and deliver a campaign that has had an impact across everything. We collaborated throughout the project and created a cross-functional team, identifying a champion in each agency and department to share thinking and ideas. It was an efficient use of everyone’s time and Strata drove that cooperative approach, delivering against our goals, vision, and the culture we wanted to create.”

Cholmondeley concluded: “We want our marketing to enrich people’s lives, not intrude. We also want to be very single-minded and consistent in our messaging to achieve a more consistent identity and give people a clearer understanding of the Peugeot brand. Turning an experiential event into a multi-channel approach such as this was a logical and clear strategy to achieve this in addition to offering significant ROI benefits.”

In the realm of events, creating memorable experiences is paramount. Here at Strata, a brand experience agency, we not only understand this but we take it a step further by consistently delivering the added value our clients truly expect. Here we delve into how we are proud to be setting the bar high and reshaping the event landscape. 
Personalisation Redefined

Our approach starts with a deep dive into each client’s vision and objectives. One size doesn’t fit all in the events world, and we know and embrace that. By tailoring every aspect of an event to align with the client’s brand, goals, and audience, we ensure a level of personalisation that leaves a lasting impact. 

Innovative Concepts, Tailored Execution

Adding value isn’t just about meeting expectations; it’s about surpassing them. We thrive on pushing boundaries, introducing innovative event concepts that resonate with today’s dynamic audiences. From interactive tech elements to immersive themes, we blend creativity with meticulous planning to execute these ideas seamlessly for our clients. 

Seamless Collaboration

We understand that a successful event hinges on a seamless partnership. The Strata team becomes an extension of the client’s vision, collaborating at every step to address concerns and find solutions. This collaboration doesn’t just create events; it cultivates relationships built on trust and shared success. 

Beyond the Event

Strata’s commitment to added value extends beyond the event itself by providing post-event analysis and insights, helping clients gauge the event’s impact and gather valuable feedback for future endeavours. This holistic approach ensures a continuous cycle of improvement. 

Insights as a value add

At the end of 2022, Strata instructed an independent relationship RADAR report. 

Relationship RADAR® is an online assessment tool designed to help businesses with key B2B relationships identify and address issues, reducing risk and uncovering growth opportunities. It provides a comprehensive measure of relationship health, going beyond a simple propensity to recommend score. 

Strata were thrilled to receive an overall radar score of 6.2 / 7 which is well above the RADAR standard of 5.5%. 

One piece of feedback received from clients was a desire for insights. As a result of that, we have invested significantly this year in building an insights event programme allowing us to deliver more strategic content to our clients. 

In a world where expectations are constantly evolving, Strata stands firm in its commitment to offering clients the added value they expect and deserve. Through personalised experiences, innovative concepts, and unwavering collaboration, Strata isn’t just shaping events; they’re shaping memories that resonate long after the final applause, making Every Moment Matter. 

Strata, the award-winning brand experience agency, has acquired award winning On Event Production Co., a live, virtual, and hybrid event production company with offices in London and Derby.

The acquisition will strengthen Strata’s in-house AV production, fabrication, and production management capabilities, broadening its offer and increasing its team of talented event professionals, including skilled production managers, technicians, designers and fabricators. .

Simon Hambley, CEO of Strata, said: “We have worked alongside On Event Production Co. for several years and know the team well. When the opportunity to acquire the company came along it was an easy decision for us to make and offering us the chance to work together on a more strategic level. We know how each other thinks and works and share the same great work ethos and values. It was clear that our respective businesses aligned perfectly both culturally and professionally.”

On Event Production Co.has vast experience in corporate conferences, brand activation, and exhibition markets. All the company’s employees will continue to be employed by On with On Event Production Co.now a division of Strata Group.

Adam Dewhurst, managing director of On Event Production Co., said of the acquisition: “I have been a big fan of Strata’s work and projects for many years and have admired the work that Simon and his team have delivered for brands and clients.

“I will be working closely with Strata’s senior management team and look forward to watching On Event Production Co.grow and writing On’s next chapter with Simon.”

Strata’s acquisition of On is a continuation of its strategy to offer more of what a client needs through its one touchpoint helping clients make their budgets work harder and achieve greater return on engagement. It will increase the agency’s speed of response, capacity, and resources and accelerate the agency’s current growth trajectory, providing opportunities to expand its creative services and production facilities.

Hambley continued: “We respect approach to events and their approach to client management. On has a fantastic team that delivers solid results for amazing clients such as Toyota, Aldemore Bank & NHS England.

“This acquisition is a hugely positive step for Strata and for On, and we look forward to working with their team on an exciting journey ahead.”

Last week our Sustainability Officer attended the second annual Conference News Sustainability Summit at 15 Hatfields.

It was empowering to be in a room with so many fellow event professionals passionate about sustainability. With a selection of panels many ‘hot topics’ were covered including sustainable catering, venues, event travel, and much more.

Besides networking with industry peers and engaging in knowledge-sharing, we walked away with five key takeaways that can serve as a valuable starting point for anyone looking to embark on their sustainability journey.

Data is king – measure your event carbon emissions

Measuring your event carbon emissions is essential to everyone, otherwise, how will you know if you’ve made a difference? Benchmarking your emissions against either your own events or industry examples such as the isla report will help you to understand how sustainable your event truly is.

Remember that although 80% of event emissions usually come from the attendee travel, we must not forget about the other 20%, so measuring your energy, waste, catering, and production is essential.

We use TRACE by isla for this which incorporates all areas of event emissions.

Sustainability is complicated

This was debated slightly, as it’s important planners don’t feel paralysed by a lack of knowledge on where to start. But it’s clear that designing a sustainable event or experience is not that straight-forward. Often something that looks sustainable isn’t actually the right solution so it’s important organisers do their research and due diligence to make the right decisions. Lean on your supply chain to be the experts in their field.

Lean on your supply chain

You cannot make your event sustainable on your own. You need to bring your supply chain (and clients of course), on the journey with you. You can be selective with your suppliers that are already making positive changes, but many – particularly small businesses – need support and guidance to adapt and become more sustainable. Working together and forming partnerships is the best way to tackle the global climate crisis together.

Offsetting is not the answer

With event travel usually being essential, this is a tricky area that some disagree on. But what’s clear is that offsetting is not going to be the solution to our problem. Reducing emissions is the priority and planting a tree today that will only sequester carbon in 35 years doesn’t really help.

That said, offsetting does offer other social and economic benefits and can often support the event’s legacy.

Comms are the solution

Ultimately attendees cannot be forced into something. That approach could negatively impact the event experience and detract from what most events are really about. So instead we should be communicating more sustainable options to attendees, and ‘nudging’ them towards the right choice.

Putting the most sustainable option at the top of a list, explaining why the menu is plant-based, and encouraging guests to bring their own reusable water bottles in advance are all simple things planners can do to bring their guests on the journey with them.

Sustainability is not just about the environment.

Environmental sustainability often hogs the stage at the moment due to the climate crisis. But the principles of People, planet, profit were repeatedly discussed. Bringing economic and social benefits to the table will improve your event legacy and truly make the event sustainable in every way possible. We discussed this more in a previous blog post The benefits of Sustainable Efficiency.

If you need support to make your events more sustainable then contact us today.

Mastering budget challenges in an era of global economic transformation

Join us at our next invite only insights event where Heads of Events, Marketing, Communications, and Procurement will converge to unravel the complexities of the global events landscape.

Embarking on a Journey of Discovery

The current global climate is marked by economic shifts, marketplace tensions, and a cloud of uncertainty. As budgets face the squeeze on a global scale, the demand for effective strategies, innovative solutions, and a keen ability to overcome budgetary obstacles has never been more pressing.

Keynote Insights from Industry Titans

The event is set to kick off with a keynote address that promises to provide unparalleled insights into the world of economics. The Head of Global Economics from Diageo will explore the economic currents shaping our event landscape.

A Collective Debate for Strategic Solutions

Engage in lively discussions that are designed to tap into the collective wisdom of industry leaders. As a participant, you will have the unique opportunity to dive into crowd-sourced challenges, dissecting them within small groups. These conversations will pave the way for innovative strategies and creative solutions.

Practical Wisdom from Panel Discussions

We will have panel discussions that bring together some of the most esteemed brands in the industry: Santander, Sky, and Stellantis. These industry giants will engage in a dynamic conversation about the practical solutions and answers they’ve discovered through their experiences.

Seize the opportunity to be part of an event that promises to reshape the way you approach event planning. With a diverse range of perspectives, insights from industry titans, and practical takeaways, this is an event that’s tailor-made for event professionals.

We would love you to join us – stratacreate-events.com/the-big-budget-debate/?utm_source=social

The automotive industry has always been at the forefront of innovation, and this extends to the way it engages with its audience through events. Over the years, automotive event experiences have evolved significantly, embracing technology, sustainability, and interactivity to captivate attendees and leave a lasting impact. As we look to the future, the automotive landscape presents exciting possibilities for even more immersive, connected, and sustainable event experiences.

Embracing Virtual and Hybrid Events

In the future, we can expect a continuation of this trend, with more automotive brands hosting virtual or hybrid events that combine the best of both physical and digital worlds. Virtual experiences provide a broader reach and accessibility, allowing automotive enthusiasts from around the globe to participate without geographic constraints.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Integration

AR and VR technologies have the potential to revolutionise automotive events by creating highly immersive and interactive experiences. Brands can utilize AR/VR to showcase their latest vehicles, allowing attendees to explore every detail, even from the comfort of their homes. Additionally, AR can be used to gamify events, engaging participants in exciting virtual challenges and experiences.

Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Practices

With sustainability becoming a central focus for both businesses and consumers, the future of automotive events will embrace eco-friendly practices. Brands will prioritise sustainable event planning, such as using renewable energy sources, reducing waste, and incorporating eco-friendly materials. Additionally, the focus on electric and sustainable vehicles will play a significant role in shaping automotive events.

Personalisation and Customisation

The future of automotive events will be marked by personalised and tailored experiences. Brands will leverage data and analytics to understand attendees better, curating content and activities that align with individual interests and preferences. Personalised event experiences will enhance engagement and foster stronger connections between automotive brands and their target audience.

Interactive Test Drive Experiences

Test drives are an essential part of the automotive event experience. In the future, we can expect to see more interactive and innovative test drive setups, incorporating advanced driving simulators and immersive environments. This allows potential customers to experience the thrill of driving without leaving the event space.

Live Streaming and Social Media Engagement

The power of social media in automotive events will continue to grow. Live streaming of events on various platforms will enable brands to reach a wider audience and create buzz around their latest offerings. Social media engagement will play a crucial role in building anticipation and fostering a sense of community among attendees.

The future of automotive event experiences is an exciting blend of technology, sustainability, and personalised interactions. With innovation as its driving force, the automotive industry is set to redefine event experiences, leaving a profound impact on enthusiasts and customers alike.

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, businesses continuously seek innovative ways to engage with their target audience. Pop-ups and event marketing have emerged as powerful strategies to create memorable experiences and build brand loyalty. However, like any marketing approach, there are certain do’s and don’ts that can determine the success or failure of these endeavors.

The Do’s

Define Clear Objectives: Before diving into any pop-up or event, define specific and measurable objectives. Are you aiming to boost brand awareness, launch a new product, or build customer loyalty? Clear goals will guide your entire marketing strategy.

Know Your Target Audience: Understanding your audience is crucial for creating an appealing event. Research their preferences, interests, and pain points to tailor your event to their needs.

Choose the Perfect Location: Location is key to a successful pop-up or event. Pick a spot with high foot traffic, aligning with your target demographic. Consider co-hosting with other complementary brands to amplify exposure.

Create a Memorable Experience: Offer an immersive and interactive experience to captivate attendees. Utilise technology, storytelling, and sensory elements that resonate with your brand image and message.

Promote Effectively: Leverage multiple marketing channels to generate buzz before the event. Utilise social media, email marketing, influencer partnerships, and local advertising to create anticipation and attract a larger crowd.

Capture Data and Feedback: Use the event as an opportunity to collect data and feedback from attendees. Gather email addresses, conduct surveys, and encourage social media sharing to expand your customer insights.

Follow Up Post-Event: Don’t let the momentum fade away after the event. Send personalised thank-you emails to attendees and continue engaging with them through follow-up marketing campaigns.

The Don’ts

Overwhelming Attendees: Avoid overwhelming your guests with too much information, excessive marketing materials, or pushy sales tactics. Keep the experience enjoyable and light-hearted.

Neglecting Brand Consistency: Ensure your event aligns seamlessly with your brand identity and messaging. Consistency is key to reinforcing brand recall and trust.

Ignoring Logistics: Poor planning and execution can tarnish the entire event. Have contingency plans, manage queues efficiently, and ensure staff is well-trained and knowledgeable about your brand.

Overlooking Permits and Regulations: Failing to secure necessary permits and adhering to local regulations can lead to legal troubles and jeopardise your event’s success.

Forgetting Social Media Interaction: Encourage attendees to share their experiences on social media by creating shareable moments or organising photo contests. Social media engagement can amplify your event’s reach.

Neglecting Accessibility: Ensure your event is accessible to all, including people with disabilities. Pay attention to wheelchair access, interpreters for the hearing impaired, and any other accommodations that might be needed.

Leaving Sustainability Behind: In this environmentally conscious age, incorporate sustainable practices into your event planning. Minimise waste, use eco-friendly materials, and consider supporting a charitable cause.

Underestimating Post-Event Follow-Up: The work doesn’t end when the event does. Analyse event data, assess its impact on your objectives, and use these insights to improve future marketing strategies.

Pop-ups and event marketing are potent tools for creating memorable brand experiences and forging lasting connections with your target audience. By adhering to the do’s and avoiding the don’ts, you can ensure your events are successful, leaving a positive and lasting impression on attendees, and driving significant results for your business. Remember, thoughtful planning, creativity, and genuine engagement are the pillars of effective pop-ups and event marketing.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world witnessed an unprecedented transformation in the events industry. With physical gatherings becoming unsafe, businesses, organisations, and individuals turned to virtual events as an alternative means of connecting and engaging with their audiences. While initially perceived as a temporary solution, virtual events have now firmly secured their place in the post-pandemic world. In this blog, we will explore the reasons behind the enduring popularity and success of virtual events and how they have revolutionised the way we host and participate in gatherings.
Accessibility and Inclusivity

One of the most significant advantages of virtual events is their ability to transcend geographical barriers and reach a global audience. Prior to the pandemic, attending conferences, seminars, or trade shows often required significant travel expenses and time commitments. With virtual events, anyone with an internet connection can participate, eliminating travel costs and making these events accessible to individuals from diverse backgrounds and locations. This increased accessibility has led to greater inclusivity, allowing marginalised groups and individuals with physical disabilities to participate fully and benefit from these gatherings.


Hosting and attending physical events can be costly for both organisers and participants. Venue rentals, travel expenses, accommodation, and other associated costs can quickly add up. In contrast, virtual events significantly reduce these expenses. Organisations can invest in top-notch virtual event platforms without the need for physical infrastructure. Similarly, attendees save money on travel, accommodation, and other expenses. This cost-effectiveness has made virtual events an attractive option for businesses, leading to increased adoption even after the pandemic.

Environmental Impact

Virtual events contribute positively to environmental sustainability by significantly reducing carbon footprints. The traditional events industry often generates considerable waste, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions. By opting for virtual events, we reduce the need for transportation, minimise paper usage, and lower energy consumption. As environmental consciousness grows among businesses and consumers alike, virtual events are seen as a more eco-friendly alternative, further cementing their place in the post-pandemic landscape.

Flexibility and Hybrid Options

The pandemic taught us the value of adaptability, and virtual events proved to be a flexible and resilient solution. Even as physical events return, the hybrid event model has emerged, combining the best of both worlds. Hybrid events enable organisers to cater to both in-person and virtual attendees, offering a seamless experience for all participants. This model allows for greater event reach, more diverse programming, and the potential for increased revenue streams. As a result, hybrid events are set to play a key role in the future of event planning.

The COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly accelerated the adoption of virtual events. However, their enduring success post-pandemic can be attributed to their unique advantages and the positive impact they bring. From increased accessibility and inclusivity to cost-effectiveness, environmental benefits, and the flexibility of hybrid options, virtual events have secured their place in the events industry. As technology continues to evolve and audience preferences shift, we can expect virtual events to remain an integral part of our lives, transforming the way we connect, engage, and learn in the digital age, making Every Moment Matter.

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a chat!

Every brand touchpoint is a moment that matters. A chance to strengthen your message with clarity and relevance. To make your audience feel like they're part of something extraordinary, get in touch.